
Showing posts from June, 2016

Tyranny from the Government? Think again.

Tonight, I resign from witty comebacks and joking phrases. I cannot muster within me a sarcastic response to the American system while the largest shooting tragedy in American history has rocked the world of politics and left me in a state of shock once more. Too many times I am left, head in hands, wondering what our world has come to. And every time I am awed, I am in tears, I am warm from the solidarity and love that people give to one another in times of turmoil. And yet, every time a tragedy happens of this kind, the American government send their condolences and continue to uphold their sacrosanct, rigid American values. The government shall not infringe upon the rights of the people and thus we will have freedom from government, I am calling bullshit. The romanticism of the Constitution fades when one reads between the lines of an apparently timeless document. It is a beautiful idea that ever human being is born with a set of fundamental rights that cannot me taken away, una...

An Open Letter to Sky News

Dear Sky News, For yourself, and anyone else reading, I would like to address the guest appearance of Owen Jones on your Orlando coverage . I would like to refute a few of the things that you said (most, if not all) and tell you why you are completely and utterly shameful. The presenter, first of all, seems to have a complete disregard that, despite Constitution to tell the US otherwise, all men are not created equal. There is no level playing ground between race, class, sexual orientation and religion and to believe so is a gross distortion of reality. It may seem an obvious thing, but just because one's mentality is to treat one another equally does NOT mean that they enjoy the same equality in all aspects of life. Which is why I am confused that a grown man who is apparently seasoned in the field of politics can sit and tell a gay man that the horrible shooting in Orlando was "against human beings". Human beings are not fundamentally equal and therefore we cannot e...